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 | Sister Maria E DiosdadoBrighton, East Sussex BN1 2LQ England
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Presidents: H. Jay Hassell (1987 - 1990) | Served: 1988 - 1989 | Language(s) spoken:French but I speak also Spanish and now English | Areas Served: Sion, Valence, Geneva, Aix-en Provence, Dijon, Besancon | Companions: Rachel Campbell | Sonya Hess (Bangerter) | Marne' Reneer (Garlick) | Jenine K Young | Your Occupation: work/ study | Spouse: single | Comments: Hi everyone
At the moment I study and work in Brighton, England. Since I finished my mission in 89, I've lived in 4 differents countries and I'm going to live in US for at leat 2 years, I will b in Los Angeles in the end of April and I will b also in Utah. I study to b an Interpreter.and Translater.
So, if you want to know more about myself contact me, I will b please to give more details.
Take care
Kind regards |
Created: 04 Sep 2005 Modified: 22 Mar 2006 |
Last Login: 01 Oct 2006 02:56:53 AM |
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