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Sister Marne' Reneer (Garlick) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: H. Jay Hassell (1987 - 1990) | Served: 1987 - 1988 | Areas Served: Dijon, Marseille, Geneva, Sion, Clermont-Ferrand | Companions: Maria E Diosdado | Your Occupation: Domestic Engineer | Spouse: Bradley Reneer | Comments: I served with these companions:
Trinidad Sanchez (from Malaga, Spain--if anyone has any contact information for her please let me know!)
Jude (Mallory) Marsh
Reta Anderson
Karen Christiansen
Paige (Weston) Larsen
Maria Diosdado (from Troyes, France)
Isabelle (Tarazona) Hall (from Aix-en-Provence)
Currently my husband, Brad, and I live in Alpine, UT. We have 6 children: Ruth (14), Benjamin (13), Mazie (10), Emma (7), Elijah (4) and Luke (2). Life is busy. I like the busyness I just wish I could slow down the pace. I think often about my mission experiences. I would love to hear from anyone who remembers me. The gospel is still true. |
Created: 10 Apr 2003 Modified: 14 Nov 2005 |
Last Login: 14 Nov 2005 08:27:23 PM |
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