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Sister Becky Timothy (Scoville) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: H. Jay Hassell (1987 - 1990) | Richard W. Thatcher (1990 - 1991) | Served: 1989 - 2001 | Language(s) spoken:French | Areas Served: Neuchatel, Cannes, Nice, Valence | Companions: Karen Crowley Abston (Crowley) | Libby C. Anderson (Crowder) | marie monique Padiachy | Michelle La Rue Pope (Brazel) | Bonnie Schroader (Horne) | Your Occupation: Mom | Spouse: Darren Timothy | Comments: Salut, tout le monde!
Wow, this brings me way back...I don't know why I never noticed this site before, it's great to read about old friends.
My husband Darren and I have four wonderful children, 3 girls and one boy. The oldest is 9 and the youngest is seven months. They keep me on my toes. Darren is from Phoenix, AZ. I met him in Cambridge, MA where we were in the same ward while in college.
After my mission I finished my senior year at Wellesley College and had major culture shock that year, then received an MA in International Studies from BYU. After I got married, I worked for a non-profit in Boston, then for a consulting firm in Provo while my husband was teaching economics at BYU.
Around 1998 Darren and I went back to visit our missions...his was in Germany. It was especially great to return to Neuchatel. We stayed with Elena Arellano, who I taught with Sister Horne, and also with the Kanonica (sr.) familly. We were able to attend church on Sunday and then visited with the Murers and some others. That ward was truly like my second family, especially since I was blessed to serve there at the beginning and end of my mission. A funny thing is that the Tenney family, the American family that was in Neuchatel in 1989, I'm related to Brother Tenney now, because he's Darren's uncle.
In 1999 we moved to Virginia, my home state, where we've lived ever since. We live in the greater Washington DC area and love it here. I've spent the last several years teaching ESOL to adults part-time, and right now I'm taking a break. I'd like to become a full-time ESL teacher after my kids are all in school.
I hope you are all well, and I have good memories of you. I hope you do of me too. I know I took things very seriously back then. I mean it's fine to take missionary work seriously, but I took myself pretty seriously too! I'm grateful to have served with all of you. Hopefully I've mellowed out some by now...I think I have. I'd love to hear from you if you have a chance. |
Created: 09 Dec 2008 Modified: 09 Dec 2008 |
Last Login: 09 Dec 2008 12:23:47 AM |
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