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Sister Libby C. Anderson (Crowder) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Richard W. Thatcher (1990 - 1991) | James F. Cobb (1991 - 1994) | Served: 1990 - 1992 | Areas Served: Nice, Annemasse (Geneva), Aix-les-Bains | Companions: April L Hahn | Richelle Robinson (Hunsicker) | Becky Timothy (Scoville) | Your Occupation: homemaker | Spouse: David | Comments: I married David in 1992 and we've got 5 beautiful children- - Abby (24- adopted as a teenager- no scandal there, really), Claire(14), David Jr.(12), Ellie(7), and Annie, (5). David works for a software firm in Indianapolis and I am home with our children. We've started a CSA (community supported agriculture farm where people subscribe and get fresh, organic veggies each week) that will keep us busy this summer! We're in a little branch and love it. I'd love to hear from anyone! |
Created: 26 Feb 2003 Modified: 22 Apr 2009 |
Last Login: 03 Aug 2011 06:32:23 AM |
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