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Michael  Wood Alumni Photo

Elder Michael Wood

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H. Jay Hassell (1987 - 1990) | Richard W. Thatcher (1990 - 1991)
Served: 1989 - 1991
Areas Served:
Lyon, Marseille, P鬩ssanne, Grenoble, Lausanne, Bienne, Gen趥, Aix-en-Provence, Cannes
Brian Rodney Bergholm | Brad A Buckles | Darin S. Dewsnup | Christian P. Fordham | Christopher r Hammond | Dennis K Lovin
Your Occupation: Educator
Spouse: Debbie Wood
I teach French & business at Timberline Middle School in Alpine, UT. It's a nice new school and it's a fun place to work!

My wife Debbie and I adopted our first son, Joshua right before Christmas, 2000. Shawn (our second son) was born on February 11th, 2002 and Whitney, our daughter was born on September 12th, 2003!

I love spending time with my family and being a teacher gives me summers off to do that!
Created: 04 Dec 2001  Modified: 01 Oct 2003
Last Login: 09 Jan 2004 02:10:37 PM

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