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Christian P. Fordham Alumni Photo

Elder Christian P. Fordham

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H. Jay Hassell (1987 - 1990) | Richard W. Thatcher (1990 - 1991)
Served: 1989 - 1990
Areas Served:
Besancon, France
Marseille, France
Fribourg, Suisse
Valence, France
Vitrolles, France
Pelissanne, France
Annecy, France
Besancon (again), France
Morges, Suisse
Brian Rodney Bergholm | Corey J. Kilpack | Jeffrey L. Kinman | Tim Porter | Michael Wood
Your Occupation: Director of Business Applications
Spouse: Stephanie (Settle)
It's been a while since I've updated this profile...only minor changes.

Stephanie and I have been married for 19 years. We have 4 children (one girl and three boys). Our daughter Camden is 19 and our sons are Stirling -15, Payne - 13, and Liam - 11.

I'd love to hear from anyone from my mission era.
Created: 01 Dec 2002  Modified: 21 Feb 2011
Last Login: 19 Aug 2011 08:34:42 AM

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