 | Sister Jana J. Shakespeare (Riska) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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http://www.cadenza.smugmug.com |
Presidents: Frederick H. Stringham (1993 - 1996) | Clifford A. Brennan (1996 - 1999) |
Served: 1995 - 1996 |
Language(s) spoken:Spanish |
Areas Served: Galveston, Broadway II, Broadway III, Baytown |
Companions: Tamara Clements | JoLynn Hansen (Price) | Genieve (Genny) Lynn Leme (Higley) | Yolanda Marie Moser (Hughes) | Shandiin Schwendiman (Jensen) | Trisha Elaine Speaker |
Your Occupation: clinical social worker |
Spouse: Andrew Shakespeare |
Comments: In a move like a cheesy made-for-TV movie, I was married in October 2006 to my Ricks College sweetheart--14 years after we first broke up. Then I moved to his home in Cardiff, Wales. In February 2009 we had our first daughter, Ella Irene. We then moved to the Caerphilly area and had our second daughter in the end of 2010.
I'm now pretty well adjusted to driving on the left and funny British spellings for everything (tyre, kerb, flavour) and don't even get me started on the Welsh words! Life in the UK suits me rather nicely. I'm quite content here and taken with long walks along green hills and Roman walls, (herbal) teatime with cakes and scones, cathedrals, choirs, and castles.
I'm serving as the Marriage and Family Relations teacher while my husband is on the high council. I'm also doing some counselling for my colleagues from LDS Family Services. After six years as one of their therapists, I couldn't give it up entirely! I would love to hear from any of my old friends from THE Mission! |
Created: 21 Feb 2001 Modified: 03 Jun 2011 |
Last Login: 03 Oct 2012 02:52:19 AM |