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Current Missionary Search
If you have recently received a call to serve in THE Mission, you should register as a Current Missionary. If you
want to register as a friend of the mission, you can add your profile on the Friends page. If you are a returned
missionary from THE Mission, you can add your profile on the Alumni page. Please note that if you register as a
current missionary, you should have a friend or family member listed in your profile as well so they can be a point
of contact while you are in the mission field, since you probably will not have a chance to access email or the
Internet while in the field.
To search for a current missionary, enter the search information in the form below and click "Search". If you leave
all fields blank, all current missionary records will be displayed.
Called to serve in THE Mission? Register here.
Want to look for alumni? Go here.
Want to register as a friend? Go here.
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