Elder Tor Alan Bailey Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Frederick H. Stringham (1993 - 1996) |
Served: 1994 - 1996 |
Language(s) spoken:Spanish |
Areas Served: Pasadena, Denver Harbor, Broadway, Port Arthur, Victoria, Galena Park |
Companions: Stephen L Blad | Daniel Blodgett | Chris J. Elexpuru | Jarom Jose Hughes | Jarid Love | Michael D. Sanchez | Michael Frank Wyatt |
Your Occupation: Senior Loan Officer |
Spouse: Mandy Lyn Bailey |
Comments: We have moved to Queen Creek, AZ having left all that we know and love behind in WA.
Elder Eyring visited our stake shortly after we arrived and stated that, "The stakes of Zion will gather here for reasons beyond their understanding and comprehension. Many of you in this room have felt and accepted that call." He went on to say that, "the Queen Creek Stake is the fastest growing stake in the world".
Our meeting block is only 2 1/2 hrs each Sunday due to the hyper-growth of ward members. As many as 5-7 families a week have their records read into the ward. Most wards have been splitting every 6-8 months and our stakes divide yearly. In 2004 there was only one stake and by year's end of 2006 we anticipate there will be a fourth added.
Weeks prior to President Hinckley's challenge to read the Book of Mormon, our local Stake leaders issued a similar challenge to read the BOM along with memorizing all of the BOM scripture mastery, the proclamation of the family, and to teach our families the new missionary discussions for family home evening.
The call to serve is abundant and many "backs have been strengthened to bear the burdens that have been placed upon them". There is a feeling of being a modern day pioneer.
We are expecting conjoined twin girls in September shortly after my oldest child will be baptized. I feel a deep gratitude to those who have impacted my life and who have been examples to me of truth and righteousness and I am especially grateful for the two years spent in THE mission working along side great men and women. |
Created: 08 Jan 2003 Modified: 11 Jun 2006 |
Last Login: 11 Jun 2006 06:24:44 PM |