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Elder Reid (Bill) William Dean Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Edward Drury (1970 - 1973) | Served: 1970 - 1972 | Areas Served: Camden, JN; Silver Springs, Md.; La Plata, Md.; Baltimore, Md.; Alexandria, Va.; Arlington, Va. | Companions: George M. Bean | Kent I Mcclure | Your Occupation: Teacher | Spouse: Kim | Comments: I was called to the Eastern Atlantic States (Spanish) Mission but it had been changed to the Delaware Maryland Mission by the time I left the Language Training Mission (LTM). I served in the Camden, NJ, Silver Springs MD, Baltimore MD, La Plata MD, Arlington VA & Alexandria VA areas. I married Kim Haws and graduated from BYU in June of 1976. We have 5 children; 3 boys and 2 girls. Our boys have served missions in Mississippi, Boston and Michigan. One daughter is attending BYU-Idaho and our youngest daughter is attending Northwest College in Powell, Wyoming where she plays on the volleyball team. Our four older children have married and are starting their families. At the present time we have one grandchild and one on the way. I've been teaching at Rockland High for the past 30 years and coached volleyball for 15 of those. We are now official members of the empty nesters group and are adjusting to this time in our lives. |
Created: 04 Mar 2002 Modified: 31 Jan 2006 |
Last Login: 01 Feb 2006 09:05:16 AM |
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