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Elder George M. Bean Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Norman R Bowen (1967 - 1970) | Edward Drury (1970 - 1973) | Served: 1970 - 1972 | Areas Served: Washington, D.C.; Alexandria, VA; Falls Church, VA; College Park, MD; Silver Springs, MD; Vineland, NJ | Companions: Reid (Bill) William Dean | Kevin R. Gray | Your Occupation: MRPII Director - Plush Pippin/Maplehurst Bakeries | Spouse: Kathleen Kay Bean (Bennett) | Comments: When I entered the Eastern-Atlantic Mission in Feb of 1970 Presindent Bowen was just leaving and President Drury was his replacement. My arrival increased the Spanish missionary force to 7. Sister Gordon (Susan Echols) was waiting for Sister Carol to get there from Argentina. President Bowen asked me to teach a discussion the following Sunday with Sue and we taught it in front of the baptismal font in the DC Chapel (16th & Columbia).
My wife, Kathy (Married 3/19/73 SLC), and I have 4 children, 2 sons & 2 daughters. 3 are married, and the youngest finishes his Guatemala North mission in Nov of 2001. Frequent flyer miles make it possible for Kathy and I to go to Guatemala and pick him up.
Kathy and I visited DC in December of 2000. It was my first return since 1972. The DC Temple, like all temples, is beautiful. It captures my heart, having served in that area. In Feb 1972 the temple was not yet visible from the Beltway. Milon D. Smith, the Stake President of the Wheaton Stake (I believe) was the |
Created: 23 Mar 2002 Modified: 23 Mar 2002 |
Last Login: 25 Sep 2003 09:31:14 PM |
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