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Elder Kevin R. Gray Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Edward Drury (1970 - 1973) | Served: 1970 - 1972 | Areas Served: Arlington, Washington DC East and West, Annapolis, Bethesda, Chevy Chase and Silver Springs | Companions: George M. Bean | James M. Mcevoy | Your Occupation: Assistant Director of Training - Utah Department of Corrections | Spouse: Wendy | Comments: I served in the Spanish Speaking Mission for all but three months of my mission. I had some great companions and it was one of the most wonderful experiences of my life. Especially the childrens choir that Sisters Gordon, Goodson and Carol put together.
Some of my companions were: Elders Chisholm, Henry, Cortez (a couple of days), Rowley, Anderton, Robertson, Bean, McEvoy (twice), Barrett (English), Peterson, and White. (It's been so long if I missed or forgotten anyone I am sorry! Poor memory come with increased age.)
I have been married for almost 30 years now to Wendy, who is my sweetheart. We have five children and four grand-children, with one more on the way. Our fifth grandchild arrived on January 31, 2003; and we still have one more on the way.
I have been working in the correctional field since 1973 and I am currently working at the Utah Department of Corrections as the Assistant Director of Training. |
Created: 06 Sep 2002 Modified: 14 Feb 2003 |
Last Login: 14 Feb 2003 08:33:22 PM |
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