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Linda SawinEldora, Iowa 50627
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Comments: Hi,
My grandson, Elder Fuller is serving in the Charleston, WV Mission. I live in Iowa and have been visiting here in Mesa since Jan 7. I will be going home soon so I wanted to get registered here so I can keepintouch and meet Mothers of other Elders and even other Grandparents.
I joined the Church just last Sunday (Baptism the 17, Confirmation the 18th). I am a new member but have been exposed to the Mormon religion for the past 21 years. Don't know why it took so long to open my heart and mind to this wonderful church.
I live on an acreage in Iowa and have some animals including 2 house cats and 2 dogs.Ellie Mae is a Jack Russell Terrier who goes everywhere with me.
I have 2 children a son, Curtis and my prolific daughter Cyndy: mother of 10. Creed is her oldest and the first to be in the mission field. |
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