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 | Sister Bonnie Fae Sorenson (Anderson)3053 Frederick Pl Salt Lake City, UT 84119
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Presidents: Adney Y. Komatsu [Dec.] (1965 - 1968) | Served: 1967 - 1969 | Areas Served: Tokyo South,Sister Kathleen Marie Elder, | Companions: Carol Ann Alleman | Ikuko Amano (Adachi) | Janet Demarco[Deceased] (Lang) | Linda Frizzell (Stoddard) | Kathleen Marie Nielsen (Elder) | Kyoko Tanaka (Kubo) | Keiko Westover (Hayashi) | Spouse: E. Randy Sorenson [dec] | Comments: I am Bonnie Fae Anderson and a senkyoshi in Japan 1967-69.
I used to dendo in Tokyo South Branch in 1967 and again in 1969.
It was a nice building at 2-25-11 Minami Senzoku, Ota ku, Tokyo, Japan
When I type in Tokyo Japan, it only brings up 3 wards--two near the
temple and also Nakano Ward which is the same address as Tokyo North
Branch (I also was there as a missionary). I can't believe that
they aren't still using the buildings that were previously Nishi
Shibu, Minami Shibu, and Higashi Shibu. Tokyo has to have more than
3 wards. Can anyone tell me what the names of the wards are in the other
parts of Tokyo.
I am trying to locate Makoto and Michiko Shiraishi who used to
live in Chuo Shibu in 1968-69. They came to BYU in 1970 and lived in
Provo for several years. After graduation, Makoto and Michiko moved
back to Tokyo where I believe he did computer work for the church--
maybe even at the Temple. I lost contact with them in the early
1980s. They had two children who were born in Utah. Their daughter
was named Tomoyo. Does anybody know how to contact them?
Cell: 801-910-3724
My dearly departed husband wrote an adorable Christmas book called "The First Reindeer Couldn't Fly"
While you are at it go to the website and take a look:
It is a really funny book that my husband both wrote and illustrated in full color on every page. He wanted to write a book that dads and grandpas would enjoy reading to the little ones in their life.
I could sell them to you for your grandkids, neighbors, nieces, nephews, etc. for $9.00 each which is half price if you are interested.
Randy had other books planned but leukemia took him instead. He died just 5 months after the book was published. We sold a lot when he was alive and doing book signings, but I just don't know how to market it to the big stores now that he is gone. |
Created: 29 Feb 2004 Modified: 02 Jan 2003 |
Last Login: 29 Feb 2004 12:21:57 PM |
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