Stories: Never Give Up
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In Oslo Elder Hart and I were tracking in the downtown apartment area near the mission home in 1974. It was a few minutes before 9pm, the mission tracking stop time. We had tracked up about 8 floors and were very tired. We had one floor to go, the top floor I believe. In the staircase, we debated quitting a few minutes early but decided to knock the doors on this last floor. The first door was opened by Torild Eike. She was about 25 years old and looked down. We were tired and felt down ourselves. The conversation connected. She told us she was tired of the partying of her friends and wanted something better. We invited her to church and she accepted. We left much happier but I felt, she would not follow through as few contacts ever followed through. I was transferred to Bergen that week. I recieved a letter from Elder Hart a few months later telling me Torild was getting baptized. This taught me some very valuable lessons. Never give up, never loose hope, and obey the rules even when you don't want to and its hard. Especially if you don't want to and its hard. |
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