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Elder Steven SchollHelena, Montana 59601
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Presidents: Lavar D. Skousen (1984 - 1987) | Served: 1984 - 1986 | Areas Served: Carupano
La Victoria
Valle De La Pascua | Companions: Luis Beltran Guillen (Gandica) | Dewey Jones | Your Occupation: Worker's Comp Claim Adjuster | Spouse: Elizabeth Scholl (Barrios) | Comments: As many of you that served the same time as I did already know, I married Elizabeth Barrios from La Victoria. I graduated from BYU in 1992. We have been living in Montana for the last 8+ years and have 5 kids (3 boys and 2 girls). Elizabeth is currently serving as the 1st counselor in the Primary and I'm serving as the 2nd counselor in the Bishopric. It's a small world, as Bardell Mangum is my oldest daughter's seminary teacher. My missionary companions while I was in Venezuela and the MTC were: Runyan, Atencio, Dewey Jones, Luis Guillen, Johnson, Quierro, Gutierrez, Ruiz, Alguilar. My brother-in-laws in Venezuela are Justo Barrios (La Victoria), Luis Silva (La Victoria), Cesar Torrealba (Valencia) and my sister-in-laws in Venezuela are Maria Agrinzones (La Victoria), Gladys Silva (La Victoria), and Yibitza Torrealba (Valencia). If any of you are friends of theirs, drop me a line and I'll get a message to them. If anyone knows the where abouts of Elder Pedro Navas, please let me know. |
Created: 12 Nov 2003 Modified: 12 Nov 2003 |
Last Login: 12 Nov 2003 12:25:04 AM |
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