El Niño criollo (The Creole Boy)
Música: Luis Morales Bance (Music by Luis Moral Bance)
Letra: Isabel Herrera (Words by Isabel Herrera)
Traducido: E. Howarth (Translated by E. Howarth)
Si la Virgen fuera andina (If the Virgin were Andean)
y San José de los llanos, (and St. Joseph was from the plains,)
el Niño Jesus sería (the Christ child would be)
un niño venezolano. (a Venezuelan boy.)
Sería un niño de alpargatas (He would be a boy of canvas shoes)
y liquiliqui planchado (and ironed suits)
y en vez de aureola (and instead of a halo)
un sombrero de cogollo deschiflado. (a hat of straw _____.)
Si la Virgen fuera andina (If the Virgin were Andean)
y San José de los llanos, (and St. Joseph was from the plains,)
el Niño Jesus sería (the Christ child would be)
un niño venezolano. (a Venezuelan boy.)
Tendría los ojos negritos, (She would have dark eyes,)
quien sabe si aguarapados (who knows if _____)
y la cara tostadita (and a face toasted)
del sol de por estos lados. (from the sun of these parts.)
Si la Virgen fuera andina (If the Virgin were Andean)
y San José de los llanos, (and St. Joseph was from the plains,)
el Niño Jesus sería (the Christ child would be)
un niño venezolano. (a Venezuelan boy.)
Por cuna tendría un chinchorro chiquito, (For a cradle he would have a little boat,)
muy bien tejido, (very well woven,)
y la Virgen mecería (and the Virgin would rock).
al niño Jesús dormido. (the Christ child to sleep.)
Si la Virgen fuera andina (If the Virgin were Andean)
y San José de los llanos, (and St. Joseph was from the plains,)
el Niño Jesus sería (the Christ child would be)
un niño venezolano. (a Venezuelan boy.)
Los ángeles cantarían (The angels would sing)
en vez de gloria aguinaldos (instead of glorious carols)
con furrucos, con maracas, (with drums, with maracas,)
una charrasca y un cuatro. (a washboard and a guitar)
Translation by E. Howarth 08 Jan 2008 If you can help fill in the blanks, please email the Webmaster by following the link at the top of the page.
Lyrics courtesy Aitzol