Elder Ryan (Skip) Harris Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Timothy W. Nicolaysen (1996 - 1999) |
Served: 1996 - 1998 |
Areas Served: Las Acacias, Curacao, Los Teques, Sucre, Petare. |
Companions: Eddwin Eduardo Alvarado Nieto | Geoffrey Lawrence Gonzales | José Rafael Montiel García | Jeff Brian Morris | Sonny Randall | Nicholas D Roach |
Your Occupation: Computer Programmer/Analyst |
Spouse: Single |
Comments: I must apologize for the lack of effort on my part of staying in contact and keeping current with all of you who have influenced my life. I have enjoyed reading everyone's profiles and "catching up" with your lives. Thanks to those of you who have worked hard to keep our mission together and to Erin Howarth for maintaining this site!
Recap of my post mission life: Graduated from BYU in August 2001 w/ a BS in Management Information Systems. Worked for the Olympics in SLC and currently work as a computer programmer for an Insurance company in Boise, ID. Not my first choice, but it'll have to do for now. Looking forward to seeing all of you this Fall. |
Created: 12 Jul 2002 Modified: 12 Jul 2002 |
Last Login: 16 Dec 2004 04:46:11 PM |