11/26/2011 . . . New stake presidencies CABIMAS VENEZUELA STAKE: (Oct. 23, 2011) President — Yonny Alberto Navaroo Mavarez, 32, workman with Moroni Business Services.
07/16/2011 . . . New stake presidencies SAN CRISTOBAL VENEZUELA PIRINEOS STAKE: (June 5, 2011) President — Guillermo Ignacio Guardia Arguello, 45, business owner.
07/09/2011 . . . New stake presidencies CAGUA VENEZUELA STAKE: (May 29, 2011) President — Luis F. Silva Flores, 51, executive taxi partner.
06/18/2011 . . . New stake presidencies CUMANA VENEZUELA STAKE: (May 15, 2011) President — Alexander G. Navas A., 52, university teacher.
01/15/2011 . . . New stake presidencies SAN FRANCISCO VENEZUELA STAKE: (Dec. 11, 2010) President — José Gregorio Cañizales, 40, eyeglass frame distributor.
07/24/2010 . . . New stake presidencies SAN FELIX VENEZUELA STAKE: (April 4, 2010) President — Cruz Juvenal Yendes Sanchez, 45, teacher.
02/01/2010 . . . Country information: Venezuela Stakes, 26.
- Guacara Venezuela 18 Nov 2007
- Maracaibo Venezuela West 7 May 2006
- Barinas Venezuela 18 Dec 2005
- Caracas Venezuela Los Teques 20 Nov 2005
- Ocumare Del Tuy Venezuela 25 Jan 2004
- El Tigre Venezuela 29 June 2003
- Barquisimeto Venezuela Obelisco 23 Feb 2003
- Ciudad Bolivar Venezuela 10 Nov 2002
- Maturin Venezuela 20 Oct 2002
- Guarenas Venezuela 11Nov 2001
- Merida Venezuela 23 Mar 1997
- *Valencia Venezuela Los Sauces 19 Nov 1995
- Valencia Venezuela Candelaria 19 Nov 1995
- San Cristobal Venezuela 19 Nov 1995
- Barquisimeto Venezuela 28 Aug 1994
- Caracas Venezuela Palo Verde 14 June 1992
- Puerto La Cruz Venezuela 7 June 1992
- Maracaibo Venezuela Centro 17 May 1992
- Ciudad Ojeda Venezuela 24 Feb 1991
- Maracay Venezuela 4 Nov 1990
- Barcelona Venezuela 4 Jun 1989
- Caracas Venezuela Urdaneta 7 May 1989
- Guayana Venezuela 15 Jan 1986
- Maracaibo Venezuela South 24 Apr 1983
- Maracaibo Venezuela 15 Sep 1980
- Valencia Venezuela 19 Aug 1979
- Caracas Venezuela 15 May 1977
12/05/2009 . . . New stake presidencies PUNTO FIJO VENEZUELA STAKE: (Nov. 8, 2009) Created from the Falcon Venezuela District. President — Pedro Esteban Hernandez Alfonzo, 40, assistant specialist for IVSS.
07/22/2006 . . . New stake presidencies MARACAIBO VENEZUELA WEST STAKE: (May 7, 2006) Created from the Maracaibo Venezuela Centro and Maracaibo Venezuela South stakes. President Eulogio Jose Quero P., 44, business owner.
03/11/2006 . . . New stake presidencies BARINAS VENEZUELA STAKE: (Dec. 18, 2005) Created from the Barinas Venezuela District. President Alexander Gamez V., 37, salesman at Grivalrej of Venezuela; wife, Luz Vicenta Briceno M. de Gamez. Counselors — Frank Rafael Reyes R., 32, accountant.
02/18/2006 . . . New stake presidencies CARACAS VENEZUELA LOS TEQUES STAKE: (Nov. 20, 2005) Created from the Caracas Venezuela Stake. President Juan Carlos Chacin N., 34, systems supervisor for the Church..
10/29/2005 . . . U.S. missionaries leave Venezuela Difficulties concerning visas for missionaries have led the Church to remove its U.S. missionaries from Venezuela.
03/06/2004 . . . New stake presidencies OCUMARE DEL TUY VENEZUELA STAKE: (Jan. 25, 2004) Created from the Ocumare del Tuy Venezuela District. President — Angel Maria Leal Hernandez, 40, security supervisor.
08/16/2003 . . . New stake presidencies EL TIGRE VENEZUELA STAKE: (June 29, 2003) Created from the El Tigre Venezuela District. President — Alfredo Jose Rodriguez Carmona, 44, coordinator for the Ministerio Educacion Superior.
04/05/2003 . . . New stake presidencies BARQUISIMETO VENEZUELA OBELISCO STAKE: (Feb. 23, 2003) Created from the Barquisimeto Venezuela Stake. President — Wilker Jose Pacheco D., 27, dairy salesman for Andilaro C.A.
01/18/2003 . . . New stake presidencies CIUDAD BOLIVAR VENEZUELA STAKE: (Nov. 10, 2002) Created from the Ciudad Bolivar Venezuela District. President — Hector Luis Arevolo, 41, president and owner of construction business.
12/14/2002 . . . New stake presidencies MATURIN VENEZUELA STAKE: (Oct. 20, 2002) Created from the Maturin Venezuela District. President — Felix David Hurtado C., 52, control manager for Venezuela Petroleum.
12/22/2001 . . . New stake presidencies GUARENAS VENEZUELA STAKE: (Nov. 11, 2001) Created from the Caracas Venezuela and Caracas Venezuela Palo Verde Stakes. President — Edgar Lopez D., 44, finance manager for Church area office.
08/26/2000 . . . Venezuela saints rejoicing at new Caracas temple With the Aug. 20 dedication of the Caracas Venezuela Temple, the Church's message of families and eternal life is reaching all of Venezuela.
08/23/1997 . . . New stake presidencies MERIDA VENEZUELA STAKE: (March 23, 1997) Created from the Merida Venezuela District. President - Freddy V. Herrera M., 31, public accountant for University of Los Andes.
02/03/1996 . . . New stake presidencies VALENCIA VENEZUELA CANDELARIA STAKE: (Nov. 19, 1995) Created from the Valencia Venezuela Stake. President - Gamaliel de Jesus Osorno Flores, 37, Church Education System coordinator.
01/27/1996 . . . New stake presidencies SAN CRISTOBAL VENEZUELA STAKE: (Nov. 19, 1995) Created from the Cucuta Colombia, and San Cristobal Venezuela Districts. President - Javier Ibanez Leon, 41, regional coordinator for Church Educational System.
11/24/1994 . . . New stake presidencies BARQUISIMETO VENEZUELA STAKE: (Aug. 28, 1994) Created from the Barquisimeto Venezuela and Barquisimeto Este Venezuela districts. President - Julio Ramon Davila Duran, 48, regional manager for Turmix of Venezuela.
08/15/1992 . . . New stake presidencies PUERTO LA CRUZ VENEZUELA STAKE: (June 7, 1992) Created from the Barcelona Venezuela Stake. President - Luis Jose Gonzalez, 25, bank cashier.
07/04/1992 . . . New stake presidencies MARACAIBO VENEZUELA CENTRO STAKE: (May 17, 1992) Created from the Maracaibo Venezuela Stake. President - Ruben Dario Blanco Valles, 39, securities courier.
06/15/1991 . . . New stake presidencies CIUDAD OJEDA VENEZUELA STAKE: (Feb. 24, 1991). Created from the Maracaibo Venezuela South and the Maracaibo Venezuela stakes. President - Juan Silfrido Carrizo Chuecos, 33, marine captain.
12/22/1990 . . . New stake presidencies Elder James E. Faust of the Council of the Twelve created the Maracay Venezuela Stake, which includes the Cana de Azucar, Delicias, La Victoria, and Maracay wards, and the San Juan de los Morros, Turmero, and Villa de Cura branches.
07/15/1989 . . . New stake presidencies Elder Richard G. Scott of the Council of the Twelve officiated at the creation of the Barcelona Venezuela Stake, the sixth stake in the country. The new stake has 4,900 members in the Barcelona, Nueva Barcelona, Boyaca, Puerto la Cruz, Cumana, and Anaco wards.
06/10/1989 . . . New stake presidencies Elder Angel Abrea of the First Quorum of the Seventy officiated at the creation of the Caracas Venezuela Urdaneta Stake, the sixth stake in Venezuela. The new stake, which has 2,950 members, consists of the Urdaneta, La Pastora, El Paraiso, Caricuao, and Las Acacias wards and the San Antonio and Los Teques branches.