December 23, 1998
I guess it is time to send another report from the "Tierra del buen sol." Time is going so fast. I can not remember when I sent the last message. I will try and bring you up to date on what is going on down here.
First of all the country is more or less back to normal after the hurricane George passed through. It was kind of a slow process, but the people really tried to make things happen for the better. There has been a lot of help sent down by the church, the governments of other countries, Sammy Sosa, and others. It was greatly appreciated by all the Dominicans.
The weather has been a lot cooler the last while so it has been a little more comfortable. Sometimes we do not even need to use our air conditioner at night. Of course it is always warm in the daytime.
The new plan that is being worked on now is that they have asked me if we could remodel the house (CCM) [Missionary Training Center] to handle thirty missionaries. It would be possible, if the landlady would let us do it. We would have to convert the classroom to a dormitory and change some of the rooms in to bathrooms. We would need about six more teachers and a few other details to handle that many people. It will take some time to do all this if that is what they decide to do. We will probably be gone by the time it happens. They would send the missionaries from the Provo MTC here to spend the last weeks of their training. Then they would go to one of the three missions that we have here on the Island.
A sister Alicia from Aruba is living here now. She was a missionary on Temple Square for eighteen months. When she went back to Aruba here visa had expired and they told her she could not live there anymore. Maybe some of you can remember her.
The twins and Danika are graduating from Dixie this year and Dane and Dean are applying for BYU. Danika is thinking about a mission. She has been given permission to go when she is twenty.
We have three new grandsons that were born in the past four months, and so it is kind of hard to be away at this time of the year. It will be the first time that Hermana Larsen and I will be alone. We have always had some of the family with us during Christmas.
Hugo Chavez won the election in Venezuela and we are all waiting to see what he is going to do. You probably remember him for trying to overthrow the government while we were there. He always causes quite a disturbance when he went to the different cities in Venezuela.
Bueno me despido con un fuerte abrazo. La Hermana Larsen y yo les desamos un feliz navidad y prospero ano nuevo.
Presidente y Hermana Larsen
CCM Santo Domingo
Thanks to Matt Hirst for making this information available to the webmaster 05-24-2002.