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  Venezuela Caracas

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December 21, 1999

I thought I would forward the latest information that I have on Venezuela. Also to wish you a FELIZ NAVIDAD Y PROSPERO ANO NUEVO.

Pte. Dean L Larsen

From: President Vianey Villamizar
First counselor in the Caracas, Venezuela Stake


Last Thursday December 16, before dawn a major flooding and landslide occurred at the northern central coastal Vargas State and in the northern Caracas area. Both locations are at the Avila's mountain foot. The flash flood took place after sixteen days of continuos rain, more than a year's rain average. Vargas State, within Urdaneta, Venezuela Stake boundaries is approximately half of Rhode Island State and holds about 350,000 people. As of Monday December 20th approximations are of 200,000 left homeless, 10,000 dead, 350,000 affected in some way. Roads, bridges, power, and phone lines suffered great damage leaving Vargas State totally isolated.

Rescue troops can only access the area by air (helicopters). Hundreds of dead bodies lie scattered under rubble and water. 'Simón Bolívar' international airport, the most important Venezuelan airport, is located in Vargas rendering it useless from Thursday up to now. It is now used as a major rescue center. The major tourist attraction of the Caracas metropolitan area where many popular beaches, marinas, clubs, resorts, beach houses existed are all under mud.

The northern part of Caracas also in Urdaneta Stake was also affected, leaving many homes, buildings, office buildings, and commercial establishments covered with water. Approximately 100 died and many were left homeless.

Subway transportation was interrupted throughout Thursday because of internal flooding.

Miranda State (Guarenas, Guatire, Higuerote, El Guapo, etc) in Palo Verde, Venezuela Stake was strongly hit by the over flooding and bursting of 'El Guapo' water dam. Many were also left homeless in this area. Alternate access to this area needed to be created.

Church membership in the Vargas area was strongly affected. Most of the members are counted as homeless but no deaths reported so far. It also happened with our members in Palo Verde Stake.

Missionaries in Vargas had to travel by foot from their residence to land-communicated areas to be picked-up by the assistants to the mission president and brought back to a safe place in Caracas. All missionaries are reported safe and healthy.

Members of Caracas, Urdaneta and Palo Verde Stakes which are located in the metropolitan area, joined efforts as volunteers in different distribution centers helping at collecting, classifying and distributing clothes, water, medical supplies, food, mattresses and other goods.

As well, a group of priesthood holders organized a rescue squad to assist in the rescue effort in La Guaira in Vargas and Guarenas in Miranda. Caurimare Chapel in Caracas Stake serves as a collecting and distribution center while El Paraiso Chapel in Urdaneta Stake serves as a refugee center.

To: Dave Kenison at LDS (Gems)
Subject: Info on Venezuelan missionaries
From: Bill Steele

I was able to get the following from Sister Brunner this morning. All missionaries in all four missions are safe at present and protected from the elements. Most were prepared for unrest with last week’s elections down there and as such had plenty of food and water on hand. It wasn't needed for there were no cases of civil unrest reported.

Disasters much like Hurricane Mitch last year that devastated Honduras resulted from a stalled weather system of a dying hurricane remained stationary over northern Venezuela, resulting in a week and a half of torrential rains.

The area north of Caracas along the coast has been extremely hard hit, resulting in most of the deaths and missing persons. Whole towns and villages have been swept away.

Some of our missionaries in these areas have been air lifted out of these areas and evacuated to Caracas. Many more missionaries are being pressed into service for assistance clean up to the people residing in the effected areas.

Hopefully more information will become available today. Hope this helps with getting the info out.

Bill Steele

December 20, 1999

Apreciado Presidente Larsen,

Espero que usted y su esposa se encuentren muy ben,disfrutando de su trabajo con tantos jovene misioneros que pasan por el CCM.

En Venezuela hemos sufrido en estos dias la tragedia mas grande que haya ocurrido en este siglo, el Estado Vargas (La Guaira y todos su alrededores) fue devastada por una inundacion y es poco lo que quedo intacto en este sitio, tambien otras regiones fueron inundadas pero fue Vargas el estado mas afectado casi totalmente destruido.

Es triste ver las personas sufriendo por la pérdida de sus seres queridos y a otros que perdieron todo por lo que habian trabajado toda su vida. La prensa no ha dicho cuantas vidas se perdieron pero hay rumores que son mas de 10,000 personas las que falleciereron.

Hemos visto aflorar los buenos sentimientos de solidaridad de todas los que no fueron afectados, colaborando con ropa, comida y medicinas, muchos miembros del distrito han trabajado como voluntarios en los centros de damnificados ayudando en todo lo que es posible, tambien hemos hecho recoleccion de ropa y comida para los miembros afectados.

La iglesia ha colaborado mucho, pero es el govierno el que esta coordinando todas las labores de rescate y evacuacin de las personas. Es muy dificil saber cuanto tiempo se necesitara para volver a la normalidad en todo caso sabemos que seran varios años.

Bueno presidente le cuento todo esto porque supongo que no tiene muchos detalles de esto que nos sucedio.

Por otro lado nuestro distrito ha estado progresando poco a poco el Elder Viñas nos visito en Ocumare y se sintio muy bien nos comunico que encontro madurez espiritual y que solo consideraba que tuvieramos 20 elderes mas, solo que donde los necesitamos la obra avanza muy lento (Santa Lucia y Charallave).

Hemos estado trabajando para fortalecer a los quorumes de elderes y al sacerdocio en general para que sean ellos los que a traves del esfuerzo equilibrado puedan ayudar a cumplir las metas,

Presidente le recordamos mucho por el gran apoyo y confianza que nos brindo desde el inicio del distrito, esperamos brindarle noticioas mas alentadoras la proxima vez.

Con respecto al templo se dice que para Junio 2000 ya estara totalmente listo, cuando me entere de fechas mas precisas se lo comunico.

Le envio foto de la capilla de Cua (la mas bonita de los Valles del Tuy por ahora) pronto le envio fotos del templo en construccion.

Un abrazo y saludos a su esposa,

Narciso Morao

Thanks to Matt Hirst for making this information available to the webmaster 05-24-2002.
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