Food is typically one of the most difficult things for missionaries to adjust to. The diet of foreigners varys greatly from the Japanese diet in many respects.
Japanese rice is the staple food usually served with every meal. Vegetables and fish also make up a bulk of the diet. Japanese people do not consume a large quantity of red meat. The favorite food seasoning in Japan is shoyu (soy sauce) to provide salt and savor.
The Japanese meal reflects the traditional themes of natural and simple. Foods are arranged to be pleasing to the eye as well as for taste. Traditional Japanese foods are not mixed together either. Japanese dishes rarely put anything together with or over rice.
Western style food is certainly influencing Japanese cuisine. Many restaraunts which serve western syle food, substitue rice for potatoes. You will be able to find a Kentucky Fried Chicken and McDonald's in Japan, although it can be expensive to eat out.
See the Alumni Recipes section of this website for some of their favorite foods.
Take a look at these different kinds of Japanese Foods and visit Bob and Angies Japanese Recipe website.