The vocabulary isn't placed in any particular
Konichiwa - Hello |
Ohayo Gozaimasu
- Good Morning |
Konbanwa - Good
Evening |
Daijobu - Okay
(used in many different ways; it is okay, I am okay, etc...) |
Cho - (added
in front of an Adj.) Very
(ex. Cho Kire...very beautiful; usually used
by High School girls unbeknownst to be) |
Genki Desu Ka
- Are you doing good?...Are you healthy? |
Kire - Beautiful |
Daijobu Desu Ka
- Are you okay?...Are you doing alright? |
Sugoi - Awesome |
So Desu - It
is; Yes; Correct |
Genki - Good;
Healthy |
So So So- Yes
yes yes; yeah yeah yeah |
Desu Ka - Question
form (the u in Desu is silent) |
O Yasumi Nasai
- Good night; have a good rest; have a good evening |
Hai - Yes; correct
(acknowledgment that the speaker is being heard; they also use little grunts
like Ngh for this) |
Doko Desu Ka
- Where is it? (used with a person's name - where are they?) |
Ne - Huh?; Yeah |
Watashi Wa -
I am |
Doko - Where |
Jan Ken Po -
Rock Paper Scissors (Japanese Version) |
Desho - (used
at the end of a sentence) Isn't that right? |
Watashi Wa Hena Gaijin Desu.-
(My first Japanese phrase) I am a weird foreigner. |
Oishi - Delicious |
Mo Ichi Do Onegaishimasu
- One more time please |
Oshi - Star |
Watashi Wa Koko Desu -
I am here. |
Hena - Weird |
Watashi No Kuni Wa Amerika Desu -
I am from America |
Gaijin - Foreigner |
Watashi Wa Amerikajin Desu -
I am an American. |
Wa - Is (Connective
word) |
Dozo Yoroshiku -
Nice to meet you. |
Mo - Also is
(Connective word) |
Hajimemashite -
How are do you do? |
Tamago - Egg |
Sayonara - Good-bye |
Desu - (v) To
be (the u is silent) |
Bai Bai - Good-bye
(believed to have originated in Japan, but is actually the english bye-bye) |
- Please |
Domo Arigato Gozaimasu -
Thank you very much. |
Koko - Here |
Do Itashimashite -
You are welcome. |
Soko - There
(close) |
Dewa Mata - See
you later. |
Asoko - There
(far) |
Zen Zen Daijobu -
No problem. |
To - And |
Chotto Mattekudasai -
Wait just a moment please. |
No - (Possessive
verb) used in-between two objects to declare possession. (Example
Eric NO brother means Eric's brother) |
Watashi Wa Eric No Ototo
- I am Eric's younger brother. |
Ototo - Younger
brother |
Hajimemasho -
Let's begin |
Watashi - I |
Owarimasho -
Let's finish |
Anata - You |
Yasumimasho -
Let's take a break |
Jin - suffix
meaning nationality |
Wakarimasuka -
Do you understand? |
Iie - No |
Shitsumon Ga Arimasu -
I have a question |
Kore - This |
Kurikaeshite Kudasai -
Please repeat it again. |
Sore - That (near
you) |
Mo Sukoshi Yukkuri Onegaishimasu -
Slow down please, speak slower. |
Are - That (over
there) |
Chigaimasu -
No it isn't, you are wrong |
Kono - This |
Kore Wa Hon Desu -
This is a book |
Sono - That (near
you) |
Sore Wa Watashi No Hon Desu -
That is my book |
Ano - That (over
there) |
Kono Hon Wa Watashi No Desu -
This book is mine. |
Hon - Book |
Toire Doko Desu Ka? -
Where is the bathroom? |
Toire - Bathroom
(Toilet) |
Irasshai Mase -
Welcome, may I help you? (said in every store when you enter.
The pitch rises when they say it) |
Gakusei - Student |
Ego No Sensei -
English teacher |
Go - Added at
the end of a countries name and then it means the language of that country.
(example..Nihongo is Japanese Nihon is Japan) |
Gambatte - Hang
in there! |
Mushi - Bug |
Moshi Moshi - The way to answer a phone in Japanese |
Baka - Stupid |
Yatta - I did it! |
Yada - Gross; disgusting |