Comments: Hi folks! Well, I'm living among the sand and sun of Southern California. I'm a toy designer for Tree House Kids in Corona, CA. I also freelance quite a bit doing illustration, drafting and web design. Needless to say, I don't sleep much these days. The new website should be up shortly.
I married Kerri Ross of Reno, Nevada in April 1997 in the Las Vegas Temple. We have three children: Bret Hunter (7 years old), Alesia Grace (4 1/2 years), Xander Drue (19 months as of 11/06), and another on the way at the end of January. We have just finished building a new home after tearing down the old one, and should be moving in within a week or so.
I'm currently the elders' quorum president, so I get to help at a lot of moves. Life is great, and living within 20 minutes of Disneyland makes for great family home evening activities. If anyone is down this way, drop a line! |