From: Dean & Leona Larsen
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 4:29 PM
To: Matt Hirst
Subject: saludos
Estimado Hermano Hirst,
Just a note to let you know what we are doing and hope that all is well with you and your family. We are grandparents again. Danika has a 9 pound 11 ounce boy. Hard to be away at times like this but we are doing well
We went to Tacna[, Peru] this past weekend to attend the stake conference in the Alameda stake. The stake president is an oral surgeon and one of his counselors is a veterinarian and the other one teaches English in the schools there in Tacna. The town is about forty kilometers from the Chilean border and is a very progressive city. It was clean and a beautiful city. I had to talk in three of the meetings of the conference. Thirty minutes in one [meeting] and forty minutes in two [meetings]. Leona talks for about five minutes in the leadership meeting and in the general session of conference. She is doing real well with her talks and everyone enjoys listening to her. One good thing about it is that you can give the same talk. There are eighty stakes in Peru, so before we leave I hope we can have the opportunity of speaking in each one of them. We enjoy meeting the members in the different areas of Peru.
I thought I was through waiting in airports when we left Venezuela, but I was wrong. We usually fly to the stake conferences and that means at least a two-hour wait in Lima, if the flight is on time. Then at least a two-hour wait to return. One time in Cuzco the flights were all canceled so we had to stay in the hotel an extra day. The next day it was a six-hour wait at the airport before the plane came in. Some of the flights are only about an hour and when we get to Lima it takes us that long to get home from the airport.
Next weekend we are going to Puno which is located on the shores of Lake Titicaca, the highest navigable lake in the world. It is about 4900 meters above sea level, which is 15,753 feet if my mathematics is correct. I hope that we can endure the altitude for a couple of days. There is no airport in Puno so we land in Juliaca and then the stake president will meet us and drive us Puno, which is about an hour drive.
The two counselors in the temple presidency are assigned to speak in the stake conferences here in Lima. Once in a while they are assigned to travel, but mostly Leona and I do the traveling to the stakes outside of Lima.
The temple presidency has to give the instructions to the members that come for their endowment or are getting sealed. Our wives have to give the instructions to the new sisters and to the brides. Leona does pretty well with this, but one of the wives has quite a bit of trouble. The other counselor is Peruvian so there is no problem with them. They want me to try and find couples from Peru to be counselors when these two go home. I can see why because it is difficult for the wives to have to do all these instructions, talk each week in stake conference and to answer all the questions that the sisters have about the temple. What we need is couples to be workers in the temple. We are authorized eighteen and we only have one. They know the vocabulary for the temple but not much else. I think that any couple could learn Spanish to do the work in the temple in very short time.
The weather is turning cooler now and soon it will be winter. It never was really hot, but I like the cooler weather.
Bueno sin otra cosa me despido con un fuerte abrazo
Presidente Dean L Larsen
Thanks to Matt Hirst for making this information available to the web master. 05-06-2002.